The Santa Cruz Low-cost UAV GNC System is a high-end UAV Autopilot that is currently under development by the Autonomous Systems Lab at the University of California Santa Cruz. Although not ready for prime time, the photo log and the video library show some significant progress towards a fully functional platform.
The SLUGS Autopilot offers the following features:
The SLUGS Autopilot offers the following features:
Designed from the ground-up to be easily reprogrammable using Mathworks' Simulink and The Real Time Workshop Embeded Coder.
Powered by two dsPICs DSCs; one for sensor fusion and attititude estimation from a rich sensor suite. The other for control and communications tasks, providing enough processing power for complex algorithms.
Fully integrated with Google Earth to allow the Ground Station operator to create flight way points and display the UAV's flight trajectory in 3D.